Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Tragedy Dressed in Gray

It’s finally happened. I knew that this day was coming but I have long been slumbering in a false sense of security. This weekend I found a gray hair. A GRAY HAIR!!!!! Not only did I find a gray hair, but I found a gray hair strategically placed just above my sassy bangs, in the most noticeable place possible. As you can understand I am very distraught about this most recent discovery. My Mom started going gray when she was 18 years old. I never full believed her story but I lived in fear that the dreaded wiry gray hair was lurking in my DNA. For years now I thought I had gotten off easy with my Dad’s genes. I was so cocky. I even went so far as to pity other prematurely gray women.

I like to keep my hair dark so from time to time I dye my hair... purely for aesthetics and not out of necessity. One of my coworkers once asked me if I died my hair to cover the gray or just because I liked the color. Let us pause for a moment to appreciate the tact and sensitivity of my male coworker... men are truly delightful creatures, aren’t they? I proudly said that I was lucky and that I had no gray hair to cover. WABAM! The forces of the universe conspired to teach me a lesson and bring me into the proper state of humility. Looks like I got Mom’s genes after all. Thankfully I have only managed to find one gray hair. Unfortunately, like a termite one gray hair is the sign of hundreds more lurking unseen just waiting to cause massive destruction.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you've entered the world of "a stray gray hair." I entered that wonderful world at 12 years old and with really dark hair it sometimes waves to me in the mirror. I must say that my favorites...if there are favorites, are the ones that were colored at both ends and gray in the middle. Someone once told me those were stress hairs...is that what this one was?
