Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Kindred Diva Texting Drama

Dear Diva,
Here is the text exchange I told you about. Talk about a texting knight in shining armor!
BOB 1:15 PM): [Sally], this is [Bob]. I watched Jaws w you. [Betty] was nice enough to give me ur number! Any plans this weekend starting w tonight?
BOB 8:55 PM: hey [betty], [wally] and i are going to hale theater fri. night, want to come?

At this point I called [Betty] to find out what the deal was and she said that [Bob] had texted her the same thing, and she had agreed.
ME: Is this a date invite or just friends getting together? 'Cause [Ed] is dying to see Singing in the Rain at the Orem Hale. I can't come, I'm going out of town, but I appreciate the invite!
BOB: I want it to be a date. But it just might turn into a friends thing since your headed out! We dont know too many girls here. Where you headed?
ME: Just out of curiosity, if I were going, who would be going with whom? I talked to [Betty] a bit ago and she said you'd texted her too, so I'm just wondering! If you want it to be a date, you could ask [Betty] if she would like to invite a girlfriend. [Ed] can see it some other time.
BOB: Ha ha... I love it! Im going w [betty], you'd be with [wally]... The prettier one of us bros...at least the smarter. Im arranging it cause wyatt works over time and k
(In case the reader is missing something here.... So if I had been able to go and I hadn't asked, my friend [Betty] and I would both have thought we had a date with Bob that night. Nice.)
ME: Well that's great. By the way, you didn't ask for my advice but if you want it to be a date i might try calling. Texting is so confusing to girls when it's something like this. [Betty] really wants to see Singing in the Rain there and you can't go wrong with the Hale, so you should have a great time!
BOB: ... how about a date next week?
ME: With your brother? If he called me i'd consider it.
BOB: No with me...if he wants a date w you he'll have to call you on his own...a date w me, or will you want me to call you next week to find out?

(I will tell you now that at no point was I terribly interested in either this fellow or his brother, particularly after the exchange above, so I decided to forfeit a future evening of free entertainment (yes, not that big of a favor, I know) to give it to him straight--with absolutely charitable hopes that he would learn work on his approach in the future, when it would be more important.)
ME: Honestly? Probably not. Next weekend is one of the only weekends I'll be in town in the next month. And i don't mean to sound prissy, but being asked out via text is kind of a turn off.
BOB: lol. No prob. Whatever idiosyncracies make you comfortable...i appreciate knowing.

(Note the improper word usage and total disregard to my well-intentioned suggestions that he call rather than text a girl for a date.)
Bob's Mis-Steps:
1) Texting a girl for a date, particularly a first date. Also, he could have asked for my number in person, but I won't consider that a technical foul.
2) Asking 2 girls out and not clarifying that 1 invitation was for his brother.
3) Asking a girl out for his brother.
4) Asking the night before.
5) Asking out 2 friends for consecutive weekends. Flattering? No. Attractive? Not terribly.
6) Not accepting the useful, direct advice for what it was. Totally clueless.
Would Rather Sit at Home


  1. Wow.....sounds like a keeper! (At least, I know MY idiosyncrasies make ME comfortable! What was that about?!) Oh, and in case guys ever read this blog: it's not okay to ask a girl out over facebook either..... I'm just sayin'!

  2. Oh, to whomever wrote this post, I'm so sorry! I feel your pain! Good for you for telling him how it was (even if he didn't get it). Being honest like that is our hope for the future of chivalry. Good luck out there, fellow diva. :)

  3. AMEN. Who is this kid? And can someone help him get a clue.
