Thursday, June 18, 2009

Do not pass go! Do not collect $200!

Is it possible to send someone to dating jail? We all know about the fashion police but is there such a thing for dating? Tonight I would like to press charges against more than one social misfit and dating deviant.

Criminal Offenses.
*Do not invite yourself to an event just because you saw it on Facebook. Social media does not give you a free pass to be rude.

*Do not reveal your Facebook stalking activities in casual conversation.

*Do not continue to text, call, and IM someone who has broken up with you. This is pathetic and sad.

*Do not use your own emotional baggage to manipulate other people.

WARNING: If you commit any of these offenses you will be sent straight to jail with no hope of parole.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this person has taken social networking to the extreme. This is the flaw with facebook, what do you do with the ex? Be their friend or remove them. There are benefits and disadvantages both ways. In your case, it sounds like this guy might be block worthy though!
