Tuesday, July 21, 2009

So you’re saying there’s a chance?!?!

Divas there is hope! This weekend I went to a wedding. Try not to feel sorry for me... I had a pretty good time.

What is that you say? Did I catch the bouquet? YES!! Okay, I know it is a silly antiquated tradition. The last thing a single gal needs at a wedding is to be forced to stand with other pathetically single women and fight over the honor of catching yet another bundle of flowers. This little game is really fun when you are 18. The trill. The excitement. Yeah, yeah, yeah... when you are 18 you still believe in Santa Clause and Prince Charming and happily ever after. But as the years tick on fighting for that wedding bouquet seems less and less appealing. As you stand waiting for the glowing bride to toss all of her cares and throw the bouquet you can feel millions of judging eyes. “She is such a sweet girl. I just don’t understand why she isn’t married.”

All of your fears kick in. You don’t want to look pathetic, after all you are happily single and you don’t need any stupid big wedding or happily ever after. So you shrink away from the bouquet and let one of those obnoxiously optimistic 18 year olds rip the flowers out of the air.

I don’t know what happened this weekend. There I was standing in the back of the pack ready to let the 18 year olds go crazy. Then all of the sudden my friend threw the bouquet and it came sailing up and over all of those expectant 18 year old hands. And there I was - in the back - in the perfect position to catch that silly bunch of flowers. So what did I do? You had better believe I jumped in the air and caught those flowers... silly and antiquated as they maybe. I confess it! You caught me! I absolutely love that I caught the bouquet.

All I have to say about this weekends catch is... It Is About Time!!!!

1 comment:

  1. ha that's awesome! if anybody could throw a bouquet to the back of the pack... it'd be chesley.
