Thursday, June 4, 2009

Facebook = Depression

Okay, I confess that I was looking at Facebook at work.  I needed a 5 minute mental break from what I was doing all day.  One of my friends took a stupid Facebook quiz called “What Age Will You Get Married?”  I thought taking this quiz would be good for a laugh... so I went ahead and allowed this devilish little application into my life. This very scientific quiz consists of 6 questions:

1. How many times have you been in love?
2. Marriage is...
3. Where do you want your honeymoon?
4. Love is...
5. Your best quality is?
6. What feature do you notice first in your the opposite sex? (Please note that this typo is not mine - it is the quiz’s typo.)

I don’t know how a 6 question quiz with a typo could have such a negative impact on my mood. What age will I get married you ask? The powers of the universe and the magic of Facebook combined to let me know that I will be married at 37. The BIG 37. WOW! Even Facebook thinks that there is little or no hope for my love life. The quiz results informed me that “You haven't given up on the notion of true love and the wait is definitely worth it in the end.”

Buyers beware! The results of this quiz may damage your hopes and dreams. I cannot confirm or deny that I took the quiz more than once to see if I could lower my marriageable age. The result? The quiz is stupid and it is impossible to change your answers. I have decided that the creator of the quiz should add a new feature. If you try and take the quiz more than once you will receive the following message: "All of your worst fears are true. You will never marry. Stop taking this quiz. Log out of Facebook and immediately schedule an appointment with your councilor."

Stupid Facebook!


  1. LOL. And in my opinion, that's just reason like #413 why FB=Depression! Check out this quote from an article my friend sent me about Quarterlife Crises:

    “All sorts of half-forgotten acquaintances and abandoned friendships reappear in this spreadsheet of potential reasons to feel terrible about yourself. If you’re as petty as I am, you spend a lot of Facebook time gauging your own feelings of inadequacy in direct relation to other people’s success. All these people you couldn’t give a $%^& about a couple of years ago are now these omnipresent benchmarks and counterpoints to measure against whatever you have or haven’t got going on in your life.”

    Grrr... It's like a sore in your mouth you can't stop rubbing your tongue over I tell ya!


  2. I love that quote!!! Is there a link to the article?

  3. You know what else I hate about facebook? When the people that you don't care about start dating other people that you don't care about and then all of the sudden, you care because you don't have the status change saying "in a relationship."
