Friday, August 31, 2012

Great article! So true I had to share...

The 9 Most Annoying Things To Say To A Single Person

"The good thing about being single is that people are usually pretty willing to talk about your romantic life, because, let’s face it, it’s probably more entertaining than that of your seriously coupled-up friends.
The bad news? Sometimes, people will want to talk about your love life regardless of whether or not you’re in the mood to talk about it. And they will have opinions. And questions. And if you’re single for long enough, a lot of these are gonna start sounding the same…"  
So I'm dying to know — what is the worst thing someone has ever said to you? One of my personal favorites involved my Grandpa. I was a 21 year old college student and I was hosting a bbq at my grandparents house. My Grandpa is one smooth guy and in his day he was quite a lady killer. So my lady-killing Grandpa went up to my roommate and asked her in a rather sly covert way, "Will you teach Liz how to flirt?" I was flattered by the vote of confidence. I don't think I ever got any flirting lessons out of that bbq. Maybe my roommate should have taken him seriously and viewed me as a worthwhile service project. Flirting lessons as a community service — I like this idea!